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In fewer than 5 months, members of the AGC have collected data on more than 300 newly-diagnosed glaucoma patients for our ongoing STAGE study! Data are coming in daily from more than 30 investigators at 20 centers in eight countries!

This study is the first of its kind to collect epidemiologic data on glaucoma across sub-Saharan Africa, and is also the first major collaborative project of the African Glaucoma Consortium. The AGC is proving itself as a functional, member-driven research network.

It’s not too late to get involved in the STAGE study, Plans are underway to expand the number of sites, and to transition to an electronic data capture system that will allow each site to enter its own data directly into the STAGE database. Thanks to Olusola Olawoye in Ibadan, Nigeria, for agreeing to help move STAGE to the next level!

To become a STAGE investigator, contact Tony Realini at today.

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