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The First Annual AGC ARVO Social

AGC members attending the annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) in Honolulu, Hawaii, gathered for a social event on the evening of Monday, May 1, at Tapa Bar at the Hilton Hawaiian Village Resort. In attendance were Richard Chitedze and Vincent Saka from Malawi, Clare Le Roux from South Africa, Goudappa Balasubramani from the US, Rick Sponsel from the US (who also oversees the Malawi center), Nathan Congdon from Ireland, and Tony Realini from the US. Also attending ARVO but unable to attend the social was Mathabo Mofokeng, also from South Africa.

The evening was filled with friendship, laughter, and a healthy dose of scholarly debate. Everyone in attendance presented a research study at the ARVO meeting, so there was plenty to talk about. Everyone agreed that the informal setting fostered a healthy atmosphere to talk about science, glaucoma, and life in general.
Next year, ARVO’s annual meeting will take place in Vancouver, Canada, April 28-May 2, 2019. Make plans to join us for what we hope will become an annual event.

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