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STAGE is launched!

The first study by the African Glaucoma Consortium is up and running! Our STAGE Study (Severity, Treatment and Acceptance of Glaucoma thErapy) will help doctors and public health workers better understand the severity of glaucoma at the time of diagnosis in Africa, as well as the current treatment approaches utilized by African doctors and the acceptability of these treatments to patients. STAGE will also help us understand the reasons why patients often decline the treatments offered by their doctors. The lessons we learn from this important study will enable us to develop treatment strategies that address the needs of both glaucoma patients and their doctors.
All eye doctors in Africa who provide glaucoma can participate in STAGE. Data are collected on a simple, 3-page form on the day of diagnosis and submitted to the coordinating center for data processing. If you are an eye doctor in Africa and want to participate in this landmark study, contact Tony Realini, MD, MPH, the study’s principal investigator, at today!

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