Glaucoma is the Silent Thief of Sight

Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. The prevalence of glaucoma in Africa is the highest in the world, and Africans with glaucoma are twice as likely to go blind from glaucoma than people in other regions. The good news is that if glaucoma is detected early and treated correctly, blindness can be prevented. In Africa, however, there are may barriers to diagnosis and treatment.

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Together We Can Save Sight

The African Glaucoma Consortium is a group of African doctors in partnership with international public health specialists devoted to reducing glaucoma blindness in Africa. Together we are identifying the obstacles to glaucoma diagnosis and treatment and developing solutions to overcome these barriers to care.

group of doctors

Barriers to Overcome

Glaucoma has no symptoms until the late stages, so many people are unaware of their condition until it is almost too late. There are not enough doctors, and many lack training in advanced glaucoma skills; also, laser and surgical equipment is scarce throughout the region. Treatment can be expensive, and Africa is home to all 10 of the world's poorest countries. Also, optimal treatments for African glaucoma have not been clarified through rigorous, high-quality research studies.


An Integrated Solution

Solving Africa's glaucoma problem requires an integrated approach that addresses all of the barriers to care that currently exist. The African Glaucoma Consortium is devoted to overcoming each of these barriers and to improve the level of eye care throughout Africa. Our three-pronged approach is to educate patients on the importance of screening eye exams, to conduct research to identify optimal treatments, and to supply health providers and health centers with the expertise and equipment needed to deliver sight-saving care throughout the region.

Doctors in room